SURVEY: Shall a minimum crew weight be reinstated for the Hobie Cat 14?

Hobie 14

The question of whether the Hobie Cat 14 shall have a minimum crew weight reinstated or keep no minimum weight is discussed more and more along with the revival of the class around the world.

Up till sometime in the 90s the Hobie Cat 14 had a minimum crew weight of 150 lbs. (68.1 kg). This was after much consideration changed by the IHCA Council to remove the minimum crew weight. The aim back then for the removal of the minimum crew weight was to attract more youth and women to the class.

As this decision goes back over 30 years and with the ongoing discussions in mind it may be worth revisiting the topic,and reviewing the minimum weight for the Hobie Cat 14.

The IHCA Rules Committee has undertaken this survey to gain feedback from the sailors. The survey will give the IHCA a clearer picture of what the members and in particular the ones racing the Hobie Cat 14 think will be most beneficial for the class keeping continued growth in mind. Should it be by maintaining the current ruling with no minimum crew weight or by reinstating a minimum crew weight?

The survey will continue till 19th October 2023.

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